In this article we will have you Understanding Your Risk for Heart Disease like the back of your hand!

Heart disease risk factors include a number of medical issues, way of life choices, chronological age, and genetics. We name these things risk factors. Among the three main risk factors for cardiovascular disease—high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking—nearly half of all Americans (47%) have at least one.

Age and family history are two of the unchangeable risk factors for cardiovascular disease. However, by adjusting the variables within your control, you can mitigate some of the risk.

Which medical issues raise the probability of heart disease?

Being overweight is defined as having an excess of body fat. There is a correlation between obesity and decreased levels of “good” cholesterol and increased levels of “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides. Heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension are all complications that can develop from obesity. To get your weight down to a healthy range, consult with your medical staff. Finding a healthy weight is something you should better understand.

Raised blood pressure. An increased likelihood of cardiovascular disease is associated with hypertension. High blood pressure is a medical emergency that occurs when arterial and venous blood pressure levels are dangerously high. Failure to manage high blood pressure can have serious consequences for your heart and other vital organs, such as your kidneys and brain.

A “silent killer” is a common way to describe hypertension due to the lack of symptoms it typically exhibits. Taking a blood pressure reading is the only surefire approach to diagnose hypertension. To lessen the likelihood of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks, lowering blood pressure can be achieved through medication or behavioral modifications. Raise your knowledge of blood pressure.

Diabetes. Sugar, or glucose, is essential for your body’s energy needs. Hormone insulin is produced in the pancreas and aids in the transport of glucose from food to the cells of the body for energy. Diabetes occurs when either the body’s insulin production is inadequate or its insulin utilization is impaired.

Blood sugar levels rise in people with diabetes. Death from cardiovascular disease is more common in persons with diabetes compared to those without the illness.2 Discuss strategies for avoiding or controlling diabetes and other risk factors with your physician.

Unhealthy Cholesterol. Cholesterol is a fatty wax that can be produced by the liver or found in some meals. Your liver produces more than enough cholesterol for your body’s needs, but most of the cholesterol we consume comes from food.

Cholesterol builds up in the arterial walls, particularly the heart’s, when we consume more cholesterol than our bodies can utilize. Because of this, the arteries constrict, which reduces the amount of blood that can reach vital organs including the heart, brain, and kidneys.

There are primarily two forms of cholesterol in the blood: low-density lipoprotein, or “bad” cholesterol, which can lead to arterial plaque buildup, and high-density lipoprotein, or “good” cholesterol, which, at higher levels, offers some protection against heart disease.

In most cases, there are no outward manifestations of high blood cholesterol. Getting your cholesterol tested is the only surefire way to find out if you’re high or not. A quick blood test known as a “lipid profile” might reveal your cholesterol levels to your healthcare provider.