Let’s have a Heart Healthy Cholesterol Talk.

In the US, about 25% of adults have high cholesterol, defined as total blood cholesterol levels of 200 mg/dL or higher.1 Heart disease and stroke are the top two killers in the US, and having too high cholesterol makes you more likely to suffer from both.

The only way to know if you have high cholesterol—which has no symptoms—is to have your cholesterol tested. To learn more about ways to control your cholesterol and reduce your risk, consult with your healthcare providers.

What even is it?
Your liver produces cholesterol, a waxy, fat-like molecule, which is present in your blood. Proper blood cholesterol levels are critical for optimal health. Important bodily functions, like hormone production and fat digestion, rely on it.
As cholesterol (plaque) builds up in the arteries, the arteries begin to narrow, which lessens or blocks the flow of blood.
The human body produces all the cholesterol required for blood, which is why it is advised that individuals adhere to a balanced diet plan that minimizes dietary cholesterol intake.

Meat, shellfish, fowl, eggs, and dairy products are all sources of dietary cholesterol. To find out more about how to avoid high cholesterol by eating healthily, read here.

High cholesterol is defined as a total cholesterol level above 200 mg/dL in both adults and children.

Hyperlipidemia is another name for this medical disease.

High cholesterol affects millions of Americans. Serious health issues may result.
Talk with your healthcare providers to achieve appropriate cholesterol levels and avoid or manage high cholesterol.

A higher risk of elevated cholesterol is associated with some medical disorders, including obesity and type 2 diabetes. Your risk for high cholesterol can be increased by certain lifestyle factors, such as consuming a diet rich in saturated and trans fats and not receiving enough physical activity. High cholesterol can run in families, which increases the risk for some individuals. We refer to all of these things as “risk factors.”

Some of these risk factors, including your age and family history, are beyond your control. Nonetheless, by making adjustments to your controllable lifestyle, you might lessen your likelihood of developing high cholesterol.

In order to control or avoid high cholesterol, what do I to do?

Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease is connected with dietary patterns that include less cholesterol, according to strong evidence. Acquire knowledge about the causes, symptoms, and management of high cholesterol.

Numerous factors influence your total risk of high cholesterol. Figure out what puts you at greater risk for having high cholesterol by having a heart healthy cholesterol talk with your doctor. You can also Learn more about how to prevent, treat, and manage high cholesterol here.