The Fundamentals of Heart Wellness (or commonly known as the ABCs of Hearth Health) are tips to keep your heart happy and healthy.

Over 1.5 million heart attacks and strokes occur annually in the United States.

Following the ABCS can help lower your risk and enhance your heart health. That’s fantastic news!



Following the instructions given to you by your healthcare provider, take aspirin.

Enquire with your healthcare provider about whether or not taking aspirin can lessen the likelihood of you experiencing a heart attack or stroke. When speaking with a health care practitioner, it is important to include both your own medical history as well as any family history of cardiovascular disease or stroke that you may have heard about.


Keep your Blood Pressure under control.

The force of the blood pushing against the walls of the arteries is what is calculated to determine blood pressure. If your blood pressure is elevated for an extended period of time, you may be at risk for developing high blood pressure, which is often referred to as hypertension.

There is no other risk factor that can enhance your likelihood of having a heart attack or stroke more than having high blood pressure. Once you have determined the values of your blood pressure, consult a medical practitioner to inquire about the implications of those values for your overall health. Work with your health care provider to bring your blood pressure down if you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure.


Control your cholesterol levels.

There are some foods that contain cholesterol, which is a waxy substance that is produced by the liver. It is necessary for your body to have cholesterol, but if you have an excessive amount of it, it can accumulate in your arteries and lead to heart disease.

One form of cholesterol is considered “good” because it serves to guard against heart disease, while another type of cholesterol is considered “bad” because it serves to raise the chance of developing heart disease. Engage in a conversation with your health care provider about cholesterol and the ways in which you can reduce your bad cholesterol if it is excessively high.


Quit Smoking

The act of smoking causes an increase in blood pressure, which in turn raises the risk of having a heart attack or a stroke. Give up smoking if you do. Talk to the person who is providing your health care about the ways in which they can assist you in sticking to your decision. If you want to quit smoking, it is never too late. Stop smoking today by going to or calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW.